Productivity is something that doesn’t come from within. When you see yourself doing when, then productivity will automatically enter in your life. For this, you have to take yourself seriously.
Your palms gets sweaty when you are in a meeting. You constantly stumble over your words. You don’t seem to be conveying a clear message across. You look around the table — everyone is more senior than you — both in age and designation. You think if you’ll ever be taken seriously. Does it happen with you? If so, you are one of those individuals who struggle with what they refer as the “grey hair complex.” The grey hair complex is defined as a self-induced circumstance of coercion when more senior executives are present around you. It generally starts with the deceitful conviction that you would have more reliability if only you had the physical traits that render a higher level of seniority. To tackle these intimidating feelings of insecurity, you have to condition yourself in three areas: mental, technical, and physical. Let’s discover how.
Mental conditioning. A significant aspect to carrying confidence is first believing that you belong. It is defined a process of preparing your mind to alter your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs to admit thinking patterns, tendencies and/or mental states in order to enhance positive thinking and eventually enhance your performance. Conditioning isn’t just confined to equipping your brain with new information or looking for productivity “hacks,” it’s about producing a training routine for your mind. Thinking of your mind as a physical thing, an idea regarded as the body-mind, is a huge shift for a few people, but it’s important to conditioning.
Technical conditioning. Feeling overawed by more senior individuals often takes you to one of two outcomes: either you overreact by violently supporting your perception and highlighting your achievements or you destabilise yourself by hesitating in your responses and obeying to others. It goes without saying, neither is an effectual strategy. To tackle these issues, you must technically prepare yourself by understanding elementary communication strategies. These techniques include an ability to brace yourself and to speak from the executives’ perspective, by considering their problems, agenda, and forthcoming decisions.
Another is the capability to convey value in terms of what you bring to the table and the outcomes of your work (instead of the process).
Physical conditioning. Which of your physical attributes brutally impact your executive presence? The culprits are often dress, voice, and posture.