As we all aware that the steel is the most commonly used material either it is construction or industrial. Meanwhile, steel is one of material which maximizes the value of resources, how? Because it can be recover or reuse for manufacturing and recycling. But the big thing is that the steel manufacturing is affecting the environment on a large scale by contributing significant CO and CO2 emission. But beside it, steel demand is increasing day by day and year by year all across the world which means steel manufacturers need increase their production to complete the demand. Hence, the requirement of raw iron for making the steel product is increasing which is fulfilling by recycling it. As per world steel association, almost 88 percent of the steel has been recycling of its consumed across the world.
What are the product consumer get which made by recycling of used steel?
For the industry, the benefit by recycling of the used steel for making new product is that it very economical. Beside, finding new mine ore of virgin steel and process it to make new product is more expensive then recycling. In fact, recycling of steel does not allow steel manufacturing for compromising its performance and grade. Although, it doesn’t any harm the earth land when it dispose in an open environment. Furthermore, recycling of used steel ensures that the natural resources are not lost. As well as, it ensure less consumption of natural resources of steel which can be used for making new metal compound.
Spoon to your home furniture, Vehicle to Building, Machine and equipment, and many more products made with steel which is used by every human.
Not required to find new Ore of steel which cause biodiversity eradicate
As per increasing the demand of steel across the globe, the manufacturer is increasing their production to fulfill the demand. Similarly, that directly shows the need of more raw steel for manufacturing the product. Which means more natural resources of raw steel is required. As it is scientifically known that the raw material (Iron Ore) for making the steel is available on earth surface in the form of rock and minerals. The iron found in the form of magnetite which extracted by performing some industrial process. Finding new ore is cause of biodiversity eradicate. But, here is the thing that the almost 50% of recycle material is used for making the new product. Of course, it means that there is no need to find new natural resources unless until they finished.