The days were gone, when cement and concrete would be considered as the best material for making any type of building such as warehouse, farmhouse, home, etc. now the era of steel because nowadays steel is widely used all over the World for constructing the building. Most skyscrapers are made up of steel material through prefabricated process. The main users of steel are the construction industries. It uses steel to manufacture from small buildings to huge bridges and uses steel in multiple ways with easy fabrication process to construct any building.
Steel is one of the best materials found in the earth, used in many types of industries which are as follows:
a. Construction industries
b. Engineering industries
c. Automobile industries, etc.
According to estimation more than 20,000 million tons of steel are mostly used by people, which means more than 2 tons of steel every person is using, who is living on the Earth.
Why Steel is the superior material over other for constructing any building?
The main reasons for making steel as better material over other materials are as follows:
1.Steel is better than other material because of its:-
(a) High availability
(b) Reliability
(C) Excellent Manufacturability
(d) And easy Recyclability
(E) Its durable nature
2. Customization in construction of building with steel is possible :
Steels are alloys of basically iron, carbon, and other metals and non-metals. So, the composition of the steel makes easier for anyone or allows a person to utilize it in the best possible way.
3. Steel is better known for higher efficient material:
Steel bridges and buildings are four to eight times lighter and stronger than those built from concrete.
4. Steel buildings are basically designed in such ways that are easy to assemble and disassemble:
Steel material used in building is easily recyclable ensuring big environmental savings.
5. Steel is the most economical material and enhance strength to any building in which steel is used:
The manufacturing processes of steel have advanced enough to reduce the construction cost gap of steel to cement material.
6. Steel construction poses little to no threat to the environment:
As our trees and forests need not be cut down when using steel for manufacturing purposes, as now steel is the replacement of wooden material.
7. Steel is the best option to choose for constructing building rather than wood, iron, or other material:
Steel is more resistant to natural disasters, such as fires, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. as rust does not catch steel like iron, and not eaten by mold and termite, which causes millions of dollars of damage to real estate every year.
8. The maintenance cost of steel is lower than other materials which to be used in the construction of the building:
The cost to own and maintain the steel-based structure is significantly lower.
For all of the above reasons, steel is rapidly becoming the building material of choice for many development organizations. Steel is creating a new trend in domestic as well as in commercial construction. So, currently steel is quickly becoming the building material of choice, for many large construction contractors.